Friday, February 01, 2008

Another Sell-Out?

Geez, just when you think the majority of the Clatsop County Commissioners couldn't possibly do any more damage than they already have, trying to literally sell Clatsop County down the river to the highest LNG bidder ...

Whoa, we have yet another decision looming on the horizon. You gotta give 'em credit ... they just keep 'em coming.

The latest lunacy involves DeLarua Beach, an undeveloped expanse of ocean front property. There are three alternatives: do nothing and keep the land, sell it to the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department to turn into park land, or go for the gold and sell it to private interests.

The first two alternatives would, of course, protect that pristine section of beach from development and save it for us, and for future generations to enjoy. The third alternative would block off that whole section to everyone but the wealthy elite who could afford to buy and build there. Malibu, anyone?

To quote The Daily Astorian today, "Commissioners Ann Samuelson and Richard Lee said they didn't think the $1.3 million offer from the state matched the value of the property."

Once again, Sam Patrick seems to be the only one who isn't in a greeding-frenzy. He thinks the county should keep the land. Is he the only one who gives a shit about the future of Clatsop County? I'm beginning to think so. And no, I don't know him, and I'm not related to him. Hell, I've never even met him.

Hasn't anyone ever told/taught the wayward commissioners that there are some things that are impossible to place a tangible value on? And just shouldn't be for sale?

If they succeed in selling us out to LNG on the river and/or to private interests at DeLaura Beach, they will leave an embarrassing legacy even their great-great-grandchildren won't be able to live down.

Click here to see Elleda's photography at the Astoria Photografpix web site


Anonymous said...

Sad, indeed, that one can't see the beach for the dunes, err...was that rows of high-density housing?
It seems like a bad dream that this is even possible.

Elleda said...

I agree. I thought it was a done deal that the commissioners would either leave DeLaura beach alone or sell it to the state so we'd all still be able to use it.

I am beyond disgusted.